French public company (société anonyme simplifié)
Share capital: 1.329.799€
Trade and Companies Register number: 908 469 406 R.C.S. Grenoble
Address: 11 Avenue Paul Verlaine, 38100 Grenoble, France
Contact: info@averoa-pharma.com
Website hosting & publishing manager
R.C.S. 908 469 406 Grenoble
11 Avenue Paul Verlaine,
38100 Grenoble, France
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This website and its content (including its overall layout as well as any text, photographs, images, trademarks, logos, videos, or other elements of the website) are the property of Averoa or have been licensed to Averoa. Any reproduction, adaptation, translation, whether in full or in part, of this website is strictly prohibited unless prior and written consent of Averoa. No hypertext link to the website or to any part thereof may be established without the prior written consent of Averoa.
Personal data protection
Your personal data are collected and used for information and communication only. In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 (loi n°78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 relative à l’Informatique et aux Libertés), you have access to your personal data and you may request modification to or deletion of such data by e-mail at info@averoa-pharma.com or by mail to Averoa, 11 Avenue Paul Verlaine, 38100 Grenoble, France.